Concert at the Empire, Liverpool (3rd British tour).
Number 1 Studio, Piccadilly Theatre, London. 2.30-6.00pm. Recording for BBC's 'The Beatles (Invite You To Take A Ticket To Ride)': 'Ticket To Ride'; 'Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby'; 'I'm A Loser'; 'The Night Before'; 'Honey Don't'; 'Dizzy Miss Lizzy'; 'She's A Woman'; 'Ticket To Ride'.
Last BBC session.
'Ticket To Ride', 7th and last week in the Top 10 (UK New Musical Express chart).
Studio 3. 7.00pm-1.00am. Recording: 'Yellow Submarine' (takes 1-4, tape reduction take 4 into take 5). Producer: not assigned; Engineer: Geoff Emerick; 2nd Engineer: Phil McDonald.
De Lane Lea Music Recording Studios. Time unknown. Recording: 'Too Much' (working title of 'It's All Too Much') (tape reduction take 4 into takes 1, 2, overdub onto take 2). Producer: not assigned; Engineer: Dave Siddle; 2nd Engineer: Mike Weighell.
Albert Memorial and surrounding gardens, London. Shooting of clip for 'Elevator', by Grapefruit, directed by Paul.
US LP release: 'Unfinished Music Number 2---Life With The Lions'.
US LP release: 'Electronic Sounds'.
John, Yoko and Kyoko arrive in Toronto. They spend two hours and a half in customs.
Start of 2nd John and Yoko's bed-in in Montreal, Room 1742, Queen Elizabeth Hotel.
EMI Studios. Start of recording of LP 'All Things Must Pass'.
US gold certification: 'Let It Be'.
Wings concert in London.
The Cavern opens for the last time.
Paul's concert in Boulder ('The New World Tour').
Have a groovy vintage retro day!
- Retro Rebirth

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