1962 US release: `Chains', with The Cookies.
1963 `She Loves You', 5th week in the Top 10 (UK New Musical Express chart). `Please Please Me' LP, 28th week in the Top 10 (UK New Musical Express chart).
1963 Harold McMillan renounces his position as Prime Minister.
1964 `A Cellarful Of Noise' is published in Britain.
1964 Granville Theatre, London. Rehearsal for a special British edition of the US TV show `Shindig'.
1965 Congresscentrum, Amsterdam: Grand Gala Du Disque, International Edison Awards ceremony. Brian receives the Edison Award on behalf of the Beatles for `Beatles For Sale'.
1967 Studio 2. 10.00pm-2.30am. Mono mixing: `Your Mother Should Know' (remixes 21-25, from take 52). Recording: `Hello Hello' (working title of `Hello, Goodbye') (takes 1-14, tape reduction of take 14 into takes 15, 16). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Geoff Emerick; 2nd Engineer: Graham Kirkby.
1968 Trident Studios. 4.00pm-3.30am. Recording: `Honey Pie' (overdub onto take 1). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Barry Sheffield; 2nd Engineer: unknown.
1969 Abbey Road, Room 4. 9.00-11.00am. Stereo mixing: `Across The Universe' (remixes 1, 2, from take 8). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Jeff Jarratt; 2nd Engineer: Alan Parsons. Remix of `Across The Universe' for `No One's Gonna Change Our World'. Addition of sound effects, and speeding up of the tape.
1969 John, in an interview, says that Apple is like a big black hole that takes all his benefits as an author and singer.
Have a groovy vintage retro day!
- Retro Rebirth

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