Brian and John fly to Spain for a 12-day vacation.
Wembley TV Studios, Wembley, Middlesex. Filiming for Associated-Rediffusion's 'Around The Beatles'.
The Pilgrim Theatre Limited is incorporated, with Brian one of the opening directors.
Gene Loving ends stay at the Harrison household in Liverpool.[29 April?]

'Ticket To Ride' number 1, 3rd week (UK New Musical Express chart).
Studio 2. 5.00-7.50pm. Recording: 'Eleanor Rigby' (takes 1-14, tape reduction take 14 into take 15). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Geoff Emerick; 2nd Engineer: Phil McDonald.
Henry Moss cuts the mono version of 'Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'.
5th performance of Donovan at the Saville Theatre.
Mark Lapidos approaches John with an idea to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Beatles' arrival in the US, to become the Chicago Beatlefest. John answers him: 'I'm all for it. I'm a Beatle fan too.'

Ringo sings 'No No Song' with Dick and Tom Smothers, for the US TV show 'Smothers Brothers Show'.
UK single release: 'Young Boy'.
Germany single release: 'Young Boy'.
Have a groovy day!
- Retro Rebirth

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