Performance at the Winter Gardens, Margate, with Billy J. Kramer with the Dakotas.
George is photographed by 'Beatles Book' photographer Leslie Bryce, showing off his new E-type Jaguar in front of Whaddon House, William Mews, London.
To avoid fans, the Beatles cross the Thames on a boat to get to the ABC Studios in Teddington, from London. Teddington TV Studios, Middlesex. Live appearance on ABC-TV's 'Lucky Stars (Summer Spin)'.
Dario Argento writes for the weekly Italian magazine 'Sogno': 'Questi sono in realita i Beatles, i favolosi Beatles, il piu imprevisto, incredible fenomeno musicale dei tempi moderni.' ('These really are the Beatles, the fabulous Beatles, the most unexpected, incredible musical phenomenon of modern times.')
It is reported that the company that took the Beatles to Manila was adjudicated a bankrupt.
Brian buys Bernard Delfont and Tom Arnold's part of Saville Theatre shares, getting complete control over its leasing.
Midday. St Sophia's Church, London. Marriage of John Alexis Mardas and Eufrosyne Doxiades. John, Yoko, George and Pattie attend.
Studio 3. 4.00-7.00pm. Recording: 'Revolution' (take 15). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Geoff Emerick; 2nd Engineer: Richard Lush. Studio 3. 7.00pm-3.45am. Recording: 'Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da' (overdub onto take 22); 'Revolution' (tape reduction take 15 into take 16, overdub onto take 16); 'Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da' (tape reduction take 22 into takes 23, 24, overdub onto take 23). Mono mixing: 'Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da' (remixes 1, 2, from take 23). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Geoff Emerick; 2nd Engineer: Phil McDonald. Recording of electric piano for 'Revolution' and saxes for 'Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da'.
Studio 2. 2.30-12.00pm. Recording: 'Maxwell's Silver Hammer' (overdub onto take 21); 'Something' (overdub onto take 36). Stereo mixing: 'Something' (remixes 1-4, from take 36). Recording: 'Something' (tape reduction take 36 into take 37); 'You Never Give Me Your Money' (overdub onto take 30). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Phil McDonald; 2nd Engineer: John Kurlander.
'Live Peace In Toronto', 27th week in the ranking (Billboard).
Have a groovy vintage retro day!
- Retro Rebirth

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