Concert at the Winter Gardens, Margate, with Billy J. Kramer with the Dakotas.
Brian and Dick Rowe are two of the judges of a beat music competition programme on Westward television. The winning group is the Rustiks.
Night. While Epstein is away, thieves break into the NEMS offices in Argyll Street, London, and steal 130 pounds from a safe and miscellaneous items valued at 70 pounds.
Billy J. Kramer with the Dakotas play for the Queen Mother in a concert at the Royal Agricultural Hall in Stoneleigh Abbey, Kenilworth.

US single release: 'I Wanna Know', 1st by Paddy, Klaus & Gibson.
According to Epstein, 'You Make Me Feel Like Someone', with Billy J. Kramer with the Dakotas is a 'Top Ten certainty'.
''Yesterday'... And Today', 3rd week in the Top 30 (Billboard).

Ringo arrives early for the evening recording session at Abbey Road, popped into a Solomon King session, adding handclapping to one song for the single 'A Hundred Years Or More'.
Ringo on backing vocals for recording of 'Somewhere In The Crowd', by Solomon King.
[Both data taken from different sources. Do 'A Hundred Years Or More' and 'Somewhere In The Crowd' belong to the same Solomon King single?]
Studio 3. 4.00-9.00pm. Recording: 'Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da' [re-re-make].
Studio 3. 10.00pm-3.30am. Recording: 'Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da' [re-make] (takes 20, 21). Recording: 'Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da' (overdub onto take 13, tape reduction take 13 into take 22, overdub onto take 22); 'Revolution' (rehearsal only). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Geoff Emerick; 2nd Engineer: Richard Lush.
Recording of laughters and other bits for 'Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da'.
Studio 2. 2.30-10.15pm. Recording: 'Maxwell's Silver Hammer' (takes 1-21). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Phil McDonald; Engineer: John Kurlander.
1st John's session after his accident. A bed is brought into the studio so that Yoko could stay by John's side.

Have a groovy vintage retro day!
- Retro Rebirth

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