Brian phones to the Cavern, asking for a ticket as an important visit.
NEMS Enterprises presents the Karl Denver Trio at the Tower Ballroom, New Brighton.
Concert at the Ritz, Belfast ('The Beatles Autumn Tour').
17.40, 20.00. Concerts at the Liverpool Empire, Liverpool.
Studio 2. 9.00pm-3.00am. Recording: 'Beatle Speech' (take 1); 'Won't Be There With You' (working title of 'Think For Yourself') (take 1); 'The Beatles' Third Christmas Record' (takes 1-3). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Norman Smith; 2nd Engineer: Ken Scott.
Rehearsals of 'Think For Yourself' recorded. 6 seconds of them will later appear on the 'Yellow Submarine' film. The definitive title of the song appears today, in the afternoon.
Brian announces he has booked Cilla Black into a 6-week cabaret season at the Savoy Hotel, London, for April 1966.
Abbey Road, Room 53. 4.00-5.30pm. Stereo mixing: 'She Loves You' (remixes 1, 2, from single's master tape). Producer: not assigned; Engineer: Geoff Emerick; 2nd Engineer: not assigned.
Having been destroyed the original 2-track tapes, Geoff Emerick makes a 'mock' stereo version from the single master.
New York premiere of 'How I Won The War'.
John stays at the Queen Charlotte's Hospital with Yoko, and does not attend the judgement of the case of divorce of his and Cynthia's.
Divorce is granted to John and Cynthia.
Peace advertisements recorded by John and Yoko are aired by the Israel and Araby's neutral radios.
'Cold Turkey', 2nd week in the Top 28 (Billboard). [?]
Empire Ballroom, London. Party thrown by Paul and Linda to launch Wings.
US LP release: 'The Best Of George Harrison'.
Paul's concert in Rotterdam (Get Back Tour).
Have a groovy vintage retro day!
- Retro Rebirth

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