1961 Performance at noontime at the Cavern Club in Liverpool.
1963 `She Loves You' number 1, 4th and last week (UK New Musical Express chart). `Please Please Me' LP, 27th week in the Top 10 (UK New Musical Express chart).
1964 UK single release: `Gotta Get A Hold On Myself', first record of Michael Haslam.
1964 Brian reveals that while in the USA, a syndicate of businessmen offered him 3.5 million pounds for his interests in the Beatles. He rejected the offer.
1965 Start of US screenings of `The Beatles' cartoon series.
1967 Studio 2. 7.00pm-3.00am. Recording: `The Fool On The Hill' (takes 1-3, tape reduction take 3 into take 4, overdub onto take 4). Mono mixing: `The Fool On The Hill' (remix 1, from take 4). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Ken Scott; 2nd Engineer: Richard Lush. First proper recording of `The Fool On The Hill'.
1968 Studio 2. 7.30pm-5.00am. Editing: `Happiness Is A Warm Gun In Your Hand' (working title of `Happiness Is A Warm Gun') (of takes 53, 65, called take 65). Recording: `Happiness Is A Warm Gun In Your Hand' (working title of `Happiness Is A Warm Gun') (overdub onto take 65). Studio 2. 5.00-6.15am. Mono mixing: `Happiness Is A Warm Gun In Your Hand' (working title of `Happiness Is A Warm Gun') (remixes 1, 2, from take 65). Producer: Chris Thomas; Engineer: Ken Scott; 2nd Engineer: Mike Sheady. Recording of `Happiness Is A Warm Gun' vocals.
1969 ATV obtains the 54% of the shares of Northern Songs Ltd, becoming its main shareholder.
1969 EMI. John records `Cold Turkey'. Remix of tapes of POB Toronto performance. First Beatle returning to Abbey Road.
1969 A tape of the Beatles playing `The Ballad Of John And Yoko' is shown on the programme `Music Scene'. [22 September?]
1969 Press reception for the release of a White Trash cover of `Golden Slumbers'. John and Yoko appear. London Pavilion. Premiere of John Schlesinger's `Midnight Cowboy'. Paul and Linda attend.
1995 US `Forbes' magazine cover: `Guess Who's Back'.
Have a groovy vintage retro day!
- Retro Rebirth

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