Performance at the Cavern, with Sandon and the Searchers, and Ian and the Zodiacs.
Performance at the Riverpark Ballroom, Chester.
The 'Mersey Beat' publishes the article 'On Safari With Whide Hunter', written by John, under the pseudonym Beatcomber.
UK EP release: 'The Beatles' Hits'.
Concert at the Odeon, Luton.
'The Beatles Christmas Show' is announced.
Brian signs his first girl singer, Cilla Black. At his home, 380 Scotland Road, Liverpool, her father is convinced by Brian of the convenience of her changing her artistic surname to 'Black'.
Concert at the Olympia Stadium, Detroit.
Brian announces he has signed the Moody Blues to a management and agency contract with NEMS Enterprises.
US release of orchestral 'Help!' LP, by George Martin.
Duke of York's Theatre, London. Paul sees the play 'The Killing Of Sister George'.
Studio 2. 7.00pm-3.00am. Recording: 'I Am The Walrus' (tape reduction take 16 into take 17, overdub onto take 17). Mono mixing: 'I Am The Walrus' (remixes 1-4, from take 17). Recording: 'The Fool On The Hill' (take 1); 'Blue Jay Way' (take 1). Producer: George Martin; Engineer: Geoff Emerick; 2nd Engineer: Ken Scott.
Remix of 'I Am The Walrus' for cutting acetates. Recording of 'The Fool On The Hill' demos (only Paul and his piano), and rythm track of 'Blue Jay Way'.
UK single releases: 'Sour Milk Sea', with Jackie Lomax, and 'Thingumybob', with the Black Dike Mills Band.
Studio 2. 7.00pm-2.00am. Recording: 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps' (overdub onto take 25). Producer: not assigned; Engineer: Ken Scott; 2nd Engineer: John Smith.
Recording of Eric Clapton's guitar solo for 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps'. First session of Chris Thomas as producer, due to Martin's vacations.
'Give Peace A Chance', 9th and last week in the Top 28 (Billboard).
Studio 2. Show 'The Beatles At Abbey Road' (3 times).
'Twist and Shout', 2nd week in the Top 40 (Billboard).
Paul concert at the Stadthalle, Vienna (The New World Tour).
Photographic exhibition of Linda at the Museum of the City ofSan Francisco.
Have a groovy vintage retro day!
- Retro Rebirth

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